This year World Environment Day, June 5, signals the official start of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is a global rallying cry to heal our planet. There has never been a more
Presentations of RECOVERY in the “Platform Initiative in Support of Coal Regions in Transition for Western Balkans and Ukraine”.
RECOVERY was presented in the “Platform Initiative in Support of Coal Regions in Transition for Western Balkans and Ukraine”, within the session “Sharing knowledge on the transition of coal regions – study visits of stakeholders from Ukraine to Polish mining regions”
Discussion on RECOVERY in the “Just Transition Platform Meeting – Coal Regions in Transition Virtual Week, 16-19 November 2020″
RECOVERY Project discussion in the “Just Transition Platform Meeting – Coal Regions in Transition Virtual Week, 16-19 November 2020” within the session “Research projects on environmental issues related to mining and coal mine closure” is presented below.
The pro-ecological project of Tauron Wydobycie with the participation of international partners
Experts from the company and the Central Mining Institute will develop new methods of reclamation and greening of heaps, mining waste treatment facilities and other degraded areas. The final product of an international research project with the acronym RECOVERY will
Hundreds of plants will be planted this year as part of the international research project with the acronym RECOVERY.
As part of the project, various types of soil mixtures obtained from biomass residues and post-production residues from ZG Janina, ZG Sobieski and power plants of the TAURON Group will be tested. In September, on the mining heap in Libiąż, the
Presentation of RECOVERY Business Plan in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Workshop on “Post-Mining Perspectives: Capture and Use of Abandon Mine Methane and Mine Reclamation and Revitalization of Post Mining Areas”.
A presentation on “Revitalization of post mining areas: circular economy contributors” describing the Recovery Business plan for the development of artificial substitutes for soils suitable to several types of plant communities, addressing ‘difficult terrains’ in coal mining waste heaps, was delivered
Partners of RECOVERY made a visit to Mibrag Mines (Germany), during the Third meeting of the project.
Presentation of RECOVERY in the “International strategic workshop on European coal research in light of EU policy objective to 2050 and future global trends in coal use”.
RECOVERY was presented in the “International strategic workshop on European coal research in light of EU policy objective to 2050 and future global trends in coal use” that took place in Brussels and was developed under the RFCS project CoalTech2051,
Partners of RECOVERY made a visit to the Janina Mine’s “Libiąż” Waste Heap (Poland), property of Tauron Wydobycie S.A., during the Kick-off meeting of the project.
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