Experts from the company and the Central Mining Institute will develop new methods of reclamation and greening of heaps, mining waste treatment facilities and other degraded areas. The final product of an international research project with the acronym RECOVERY will be the development of a method of reclamation of the so-called a mining waste treatment facility and other brownfield sites.

Tauron Wydobycie wants to be the first company in the hard coal sector to develop and commercialize soil mixtures based on mining waste, energy waste and biomass for various plant communities. These products will be created for the rehabilitation of heaps from the hard coal mine – says Tomasz Cudny, CEO of Tauron Wydobycie.

This is to happen through the design and implementation of the so-called anthropogenic substrates with the use of waste materials and the development of a method of initiating diverse natural habitats with high potential for natural, recreational and economic functions.

The method assumes reducing the costs of maintaining the environmentally harmful post-mining waste dumps while increasing the scope and quality of the effects of remedial and ecological actions – adds Tomasz Cudny.

The pro-ecological project of Tauron Wydobycie with the participation of international partners
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